3DS2.1+ ENG

Seitatech is a PSD2 compliant payment service provider!

Seitatech is among the first payment service providers in Europe to implement a SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) compliant card payment solution regulated by PSD2 (Second Payment Services Directive) and based on the RTS (Technical Standard) issued by the EBA (European Banking Authority).

Seitatech has a 3DS2.1 + compliant card payment solution that guarantees merchants seamless online and mobile payments without the risk of the card payment being rejected by the card issuing bank.

The card payment solution is technically complete and will be offered to existing Seitatech partners as well as interested new Seitatech partners once the solution has been completed through the card payment industry approval process.

The launch of the new card payment solution will be followed by the launch of Seitatech’s new e-commerce product, so stay tuned!

– Seita’s team


Mr Sakari Parre
Managing director
Seita Technologies Oy

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